The data of over 800.000 savings accounts and term deposits was migrated from four distinct systems to Sopra Banking Platform (Thaler). The project was executed based on a fixed fee and was delivered on time. DX has experience with Sopra Banking Platform. This made the migration straightforward and cost-effective.
Tag: Sopra
a.s.r. Bank has chosen to consolidate the savings and securities portfolios from two systems into one. This required the migration of the savings accounts from the Sopra Banking Platform to Idella’s BGS system. The data of over 100.000 savings accounts from Sopra Banking Platform Thaler to BGS (Idella) was migrated. The project was executed based on a fixed fee and was delivered on time. DX has experience with Sopra Banking Platform and partners with Idella. This made the migration straightforward and cost-effective.
Banking solutions
Data eXcellence has tailored migration solutions for banking. We understand your products, processes, technologies and speak your language! For almost all aspects of banking DX has specific solutions, including payments, savings, securities, mortgages, consumer credit, real estate, commercial finance and credit cards.