Im Gespräch mit Bruno Oudega und Hugo Ouwehand werden zwei Migrationsprojekte beleuchtet, die für Achmea im Geschäftsfeld „Hypotheken“ durchgeführt wurden. Das erste Projekt umfasst die Migration zur Hypothekenlösung von Topicus. Im zweiten Projekt handelt es sich um die Übertragung eines Geschäftshypothekenportfolios an die RNHB.
Schlagwort: Finanz
Cornèr Bank
Founded in Lugano in 1952, Cornèr Bank Group is a Swiss independent private bank group operating on the national market as a full-service bank. Active across the whole range of traditional banking services, Cornèr Bank Group specialises in the private banking sector, as well as in the areas of lending, Visa, MasterCard and Diners Club […]
Rabobank Lease
Rabobank is a social bank. Rabobank wants to make a substantial contribution to society in the Netherlands and that is why it focuses on three major global transitions: the food transition, climate & energy transition and inclusiveness. To achieve these goals, they invest part of their profits each year in the local community for a […]
Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance
Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance finances, develops and invests in real estate and mortgages on behalf of pension funds and other institutional investors. Syntrus Achmea opts for sustainable investments with financial and social returns. Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance manages the commercial financing portfolio which was recently sold to RNHB. This concerns the […]
TKP Pensioen
TKP is one of the biggest pension administration organisations in the Netherlands. More than 3.7 million Dutch people and 23 funds trust their services. TKP Pensioen is working hard on modernising the processing of DC (Defined Contribution) pensions. They predict a sharp rise in the number of participants in DC pensions in the coming years. […]
TKP Bereit für die Zukunft: mit einer vollständig automatisierten DC-Straße
Im Gespräch mit Marjanne van der Werff über TKP Connect – einem umfangreichen Erneuerungsprogramm, in dem die Erneuerung der Defined Contribution-Straße einen Teilbereich darstellt. Ein solides Projekt, bei dem DX der Partner für die Datenmigration war.
Complex financial data migration
In January 2019, a platform was implemented for payment processing and current account administration. Data eXcellence was asked to carry out the data migration of the payment accounts, personal data and payment administration. It concerned a data migration from the source systems Matrix, CICS and ZVS to FOS, BankOS and PPM.
ABN AMRO was formed from a series of mergers and acquisitions. Their origins date back more than three centuries. ABN AMRO serves its customers in retail, private banking and corporate banking, mainly in the Northwest of Europe. In the Netherlands, customers are offered an extensive and complete package of products and services through various channels, […]
Univé is one of the biggest insurance companies in the Netherlands. Univé is a non-profit cooperative society, its customers are also its members. These members/insured parties are the key element, not the pursuit of profit. The basic principle is that the members can see the positive results reflected in the form of profit-sharing, premium discounts […]
Robeco is an international asset manager offering an extensive range of active investments, from equity markets to government bonds. Today, Robeco is the center of asset-management expertise for ORIX Corporation, Robeco’s majority shareholder based in Tokyo, Japan. Robeco believes strongly in sustainability investing, quantitative research techniques and adding value for clients through innovative investment techniques.